
BOTANICAL NAME: Aloe barbadensis Miller

FAMILY – Liliaceae

THE ALOEVERA Broadly known as

Miracle Plant

Wonder Plant

Medicinal Aloe

Ornamental Plant

Aloe Vulgaris

Aloevera is a plant of great potential and value in the field of therapeutics, pharmaceuticals and cosmetic industries.The colour and odour of each variety is its characteristic and the taste bitter and nauseous. Aloevera Barbadensis refers to the Barbados island. Aloevera used in indigenous (Ayurvedic) and Unani systems of medicine and in cosmetics, shampoos and creams.

The major market of Aloe vera and its extracts are in India, Australia, USA ,Japan and Europe. The demand for Aloe vera is increasing and with scientific studies supporting the medicinal benefits of Aloe vera.It is profitable to cultivate the Aloevera & has the potential to become the future of agro-industrial crop.


Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12,Folic Acid, Niacine

Vitamins: A, B1, B2 B3, B6, B12

Contributes to well – being & health

Supplies body with energy

Strengthens the immune system

Minerals : Calcium, Iron, Potassium

Indispensable for the human metabolism

Building of blood, needed for growth of bones and teeth

Amino Acids: Lysine, Threonin, Valine etc

“Building Blocks" of the body

Repair tissues / carry oxygen throughout the body

They form antibodies to combat invading bacteria & viruses

Enzymes: Oxidase, Catalase etc

Regulate intestinal activity.

Assist in the breaking up of food elements


In India Aloe, Vera has been referring to as "kumari’ in Ayurvedic treatments where it is useful in the treatment of burns, blood disorders, chronic constipation, skin diseases, and as eye drops for relief in sore eyes and redness as well as bleeding and healing of wounds, etc. It plays an important role in gerontology and rejuvenation.Aloe Vera is full of medicinal properties & it is effective in treating various body ailments

•Medical and Cosmetic Benefits

•Used in number of lotions, creams, gels and shampoos.

•As diet supplement or directly.

•Control the stomach acids and maintain balance in the stomach.

•Improve immune system.

•Stimulates tissues.

Helpful for diabetes

•Absorb nutrients and neutralizing toxic and bad elements.

Monday, 19 September 2011


Plants of the genus Aloe belong to the old world and are indigenous to Eastern and Southern Africa, the Canary Islands and Spain. The species spread to the Mediterranean basin and reached the West Indies, India, China and other countries .It is also cultivated throughout India.


Aloe Vera is a semi tropical plant. Aloevera's thick, tapered, spiny leaves grow from a short stalk near ground level. 


There are overall 250 species of Aloe grown around the world. However, only a few species are grown commercially with Aloe barbadensis Miller.


Aloe Vera is tolerant to adverse conditions such as drought, hot and dry as well as humid weather. It has a good adaptability and can grow in warm, humid or dry climate with even 35-40 cm of rainfall per annum. In India, the crop can be grown in any season. In general, hot and dry weather is favorable to the crop.


It contains more than two hundred Ionic ingredients including essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes and steroids & most of the essential components required by human body.


Aloe Vera can be grown on a variety of soils. It however does well on light well drained-coarse sandy loam to rich loamy soils .It is considered one of the most suitable crops for marginal lands particularly coarse sandy, un-irrigated, sloppy and stony soils.The plant can be cultivated in dry climatic conditions and in poor soils without much care.


The soil need not to be ploughed very deep. Since Aloe Vera is a perennial plant, field should be free from annual / perennial weeds and shrubs, which can be done with 2 or 3 deep ploughings, preferably during summer months. At the time of planting the field should be ploughed, harrowed and brought to the required tilth.


The suckers are planted soon after the first rain or light irrigation. The ideal time of planting of Aloe is alter rainy season. However, planting can be done almost throughout the year.


The propagation of Aloe is done through root suckers or by rooted plantlets (side tillers). For obtaining planting materials, the healthy rooted side tillers (plantlets) are separated from the mother plants and used as planting materials/ plants.


The suckers are planted at a spacing of 60 x 60 cm. In rich soils and irrigated conditions a spacing of 90 x 90 cm is adopted. Two third portion of this planting material should be under the ground. Healthy side tillers/suckers of Aloe are planted closely at a distance of 50 x40cm or 40x30cm under low soil fertility and water stress condition.


Aloevera plants gel quickly established during the rainy season and after which it hardly requires any irrigation.However, one light irrigation is essential after planting. No irrigation is required during resting period. Proper irrigation has the greatest effects on the gel composition of Aloe Vera.


For commercial cultivation of aloe, especially for extraction of gel, the crop has to be manured. In case of highly alkaline soils (more than 8.5) addition of gypsum is recommended for enhanced availability of major and micronutrients. The fertilizer requirement of the crop is low.Timely application of manures and fertilizers are helpful for high yield of the crop.


Leaves can be harvested 18 months after planting of suckers. 4 cuttings are taken in a year. Matured leaves of Aloe Vera in the outer and lower periphery of the plant are harvested and then processed within a matter of hours to control biological contamination and degradation of leaves. Approximately 4 kg of Aloe Vera leaves are required to get 1 kg of PURE Aloe Vera gel.

First yield of baby plants after: 10 to 12 months under rained  & 8 to 9 months under irrigated condition.


The mother plant will yield leaves up to 10 years, the economy will come up to 5-6 years. After 8-10 months small suckers will appear . Suckers of 6" to 10" high are carefully plucked and utilized to plant in new fields. Thus the initial expenditure spent for suckers are recovered.

Fresh leaf yield varies from 20 to 25 tons per acre/year after 18 months old crop.

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Address:J-890,Phase3,Sitapura Industrial Area,Jaipur-302022

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Aloevera Cultivation and Marketing in India

The name Aloe Vera or True Aloe comes from the Arabic word Alloeh meaning "Shining bitter substance".Aloe Vera plants are basically tropical succulent plants. They are cultivated in tropical or sub tropical regions where weather condition is not chilling.

Introduction to Aloevera
Aloe vera belongs to the family Liliacae and is mainly cultivated for its thick fleshy leaves. There are 300 known species of Aloevera in the world out of which Aloe Barbadensis Miller is considered as the best type with 95% of medicinal properties.

In India Aloe, Vera has been referring to as "kumari’ in Ayurvedic treatments where it was popularly use to treat the sore eyes, abrasions and wounds. Aloe is use in various forms including pulp, juice, aloe medicines, cosmetics etc .Aloe Vera is full of medicinal properties & it is effective in treating various body ailments.
Medicinal uses Scientists over the world have researched that Aloevera has important role in treating 320 major diseases Aloevera has now been accredited by “American Food & Drug Bureau E.E.C. (European Agency) & The Islamic Seal for its great medicinal value.Aloe Vera is used in skin-care products e.g shampoo, cream, herbal powder etc. by various national & international cosmetic companies. it is useful in treating constipation, coughs sinus, wounds, ulcers, diabetes, cancer, liver disorder, kidney disorder, jaundice, headaches, arthritis, asthma, T.B., immune-system deficiencies, anti- inflammatory, minor vaginal irritations, to treat dandruff and sticky hair.Farmers in India regularly faces problem like lack of rain, low ground water level, soil degradation etc. therefore cultivation of aloe Vera would be beneficial as it requires minimum usage of water & the returns from it would be more than 50,000 yearly per acre. According to market demand, many processing units have already established in the country & according to an estimation, more than 300 industries are processing Aloe Vera leaf.Therefore, there is an unlimited market potential in India for the“Sanjeevani “of modern times – Aloe Vera

About Organization
Hahnemann charitable mission society, an ISO certified NGO, established in the year 1996 is working in the area of commercialization of medicinal plants & assisting farmers in cultivating such plants so that farmers get financial freedom. HCMS is promoting Aloe Vera cultivation all over India. HCMS has well qualified & experienced technical staff for farming, setting up & monitoring Aloe Vera Cultivation. The organization has employed technical advisers, Agronomists & field officers.HCMS has its own grinding/packing houses, nurseries, warehouses and research institutes supporting the smooth and swift processing.

Our Achievements:

1. Industry establishment by HCMS whose production is 3000 kg per day.
2. We have trained around 400 farmers for Aloe vera cultivation.
has already promoted approx.2000 acres land under Aloe Vera cultivation in Rajasthan & also helped in its marketing.    

Aloe Vera and other medicinal & horticulture cultivation will be the milestone for the country’s development. Any person interested in farming can contact us for information regarding this cultivation on below undersigned. 

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Address:J-890,Phase3,Sitapura Industrial Area,Jaipur-302022

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders”
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HCMS Services

Information related to Medicinal/Horticulture Farming and Herbal Industrial Units
Soil/Water Testing in our Research Institutes
Prepare Project Reports and Provide Technical Information of the Report
Supply High Quality Seeds / Seedlings and also Provide Information about Raw Materials to the industrial units
Practical Training for medicinal and horticulture plantation through our professionally skilled agriculture experts
Time to time Crop Testing through our agriculture experts
Information about bank loans and other financial assistances
Facility of Agriculture Insurance (possible crops only)
Buy Back Agreements of the crops
Laboratory Test Reports certifying their quality

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Address:J-890,Phase3,Sitapura Industrial Area,Jaipur-302022

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders”
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Consultancy Services

HCMS Provide Below Services:

Project management
Design & Event management
Technical Support
Skill Training
Practical Survey & Training
Banking Services and Government Support
Undertaking Research
Participate in Project Implementation and Service Promotion
Communicating Environmental Data

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Address:J-890,Phase3,Sitapura Industrial Area,Jaipur-302022

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders”
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Land Development & Agro Forestry
Large Scale Plantation of Medicinal ,Aromatic ,Horticulture and Jatropha
Nursery development & Cultivation of Medicinal, Horticulture, Herbal, Aromatic & Jatropha
Organic farming through Vermi Compositing
Promotion of Neem Manure & Pesticides
Seasonal Crop Demonstration
Natural Resource Management
Orientation Training to Water Users Group
Health & Hygiene
Rural & Urban Development
Women & Child Development
Livelihood and Capacity Building Programmes for Rural Youth, Farmers, Women, Child, SHG and UGs, etc
Dairy Development

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Address:J-890,Phase3,Sitapura Industrial Area,Jaipur-302022

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders”
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Sunday, 18 September 2011

Aloe Vera contains: Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12,Folic Acid, Niacine

Vitamins: A, B1, B2 B3, B6, B12
Contributes to well – being & health
Supplies body with energy
Strengthens the immune system
Minerals : Calcium, Iron, Potassium
Indispensable for the human metabolism
Building of blood, needed for growth of bones and teeth
Amino Acids: Lysine, Threonin, Valine etc
“Building Blocks" of the body
Repair tissues / carry oxygen throughout the body
They form antibodies to combat invading bacteria & viruses
Enzymes: Oxidase, Catalase etc
Regulate intestinal activity.
Assist in the breaking up of food elements

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Address:J-890,Phase3,Sitapura Industrial Area,Jaipur-302022

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders”
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Aloe Vera, also known as the medicinal aloe, is a species of succulent plant that probably originated in Northern Africa, the Canary Islands and Cape Verde. Aloe Vera grows in arid climates and is widely distributed in Africa, India and other arid areas. The species is frequently cited as being used in herbal medicine. We are leading technology provider for the cultivation of Aloevera and processing of the Aloevera Juice, Aloevera Gel and Aloevera Cosmetic Product. Currently we are cultivating Aloevera in 1000 Acre under contractual farming in whole the nation. Whole the Aloevera is being cultivated under close supervision of our highly trained agriculture technologist. The Aloevera cultivation has changed lifestyle of our growers.Avail from us an exclusive range of Aloe Vera Gel that is made from pure organic green natural leaves. Free from chemicals, additives and impurities, this Aloe Vera Gel is a multipurpose gel that is apt for applying on external skin only. Acting as a complete nutrition for skin, this Aloe Vera Gel helps in minimizing pigmentation and scars as well as maintains a fairer complexion.

Health Benefits :
Soothes the skin injury caused by burn, irritation, cuts, insect bites
Heals Acne, scars & black patches
Cure Eczema
Heals psoriasis

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Address:J-890,Phase3,Sitapura Industrial Area,Jaipur-302022

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders”
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